Ryan Binkley Within 4% of Ron DeSantis in National Poll

Ryan Binkley is sending Stephen Colbert a signed hat with his WTF slogan.

Graphic showing Ryan Binkley's name on top of Asa Hutchinson's name

Stephen Colbert joked that no one knows Ryan Binkley though he beat former governor Asa Hutchinson.

Stephen Colbert pumps fist

Comedian Stephen Colbert says he is “all in on Ryan’s Bink-mentum”

Binkley Buzz Hits “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert”

Who is Ryan Binkley? Binkley is the presidential candidate who is now polling within 4% of Ron DeSantis the day after “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert playfully poked fun at Ryan’s Bink-mentum.”

— Binkley For President 2024 Campaign

MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE, UNITED STATES, January 19, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Four days before New Hampshire voters head to the polls for the first-in-the-nation primary, Ryan Binkley’s campaign is surging after being thrust into the national spotlight in a comedy bit that poses the question: Who is Ryan Binkley?

Binkley is the presidential candidate who is now polling within 4% of Ron DeSantis on page 5 of the Messenger HarrisX Overnight Poll released Thursday, the day after “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert playfully poked fun at “Ryan’s Bink-mentum” in the race between “Trump Train” and “Big Bink.”

“We have skyrocketed in the prison groups as well as the 420 clubs, whatever that is,” Binkley joked back at Colbert on X. “When we meet, I got a red hat for you with our WTF slogan — the Way To Freedom, of course.”

The Binkley bump in the polls followed his finish in the Iowa caucuses that surprised pundits, beating Asa Hutchinson and landing in the top 4 after Vivek Ramaswamy suspended his campaign.

The HarrisX Poll showed both DeSantis’ and Nikki Haley’s numbers dipped since their Iowa caucus results. Binkley, Haley and Donald Trump appear to be the only candidates on the ground actively campaigning every day leading up to New Hampshire’s primary on Tuesday, with DeSantis abandoning the state over the weekend in favor of events in South Carolina on Saturday and Sunday.

“While other candidates have been engaged in political gamesmanship and voter avoidance, we have stayed true to our message,” Binkley said. “The only poll that matters is the one on election day, and that’s what we are focused on.”

Over the next 96 hours, Binkley will be canvassing the Granite State, talking directly to as many people as possible and answering the other question voters ask Binkley: Why are you still in this race?

“My answer is that our nation is on fire. It is on fire economically, spiritually and culturally,” Binkley said. “If you had a loved one in a burning building, and you had a small chance of rescuing them, would you go in? Does it matter what the odds are? Of course, you go in regardless of the odds. That is why I’m still in this race. Our children have no hope on our current path, and everyone knows it. That’s why I am running in when others are running out.”

For more information on Binkley and his positions, go to Binkley2024.com.

For press inquiries, contact Diane Moca, [email protected], 214-494-1792.

Diane Moca
Binkley for President 2024
+1 214-494-1792
[email protected]
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Comedian Stephen Colbert pokes fun at presidential candidate Ryan Binkley six minutes into his opening monologue

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/682466917/ryan-binkley-within-4-of-ron-desantis-in-national-poll

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