Italian American One Voice Coalition Secures Apology for Negative Stereotype of Italian American Women
Italian American One Voice Coalition Secures Apology for Negative Stereotype of Italian American Women

IAOVC successfully secures apology for negtaive stereotype of Italian American Women.


IAOVC commends KSHE Radio, St. Louis for “Doing the right thing!”

IAOVC commends the management of St. Louis radio station KSHE Management and On Air Host for “Doing the right thing.”

NORTHVALE, NJ, US, August 18, 2023/ — Northvale, NJ – The Italian American One Voice Coalition (“IAOVC”), America’s largest independent Italian American anti-bias organization, was recently contacted by listeners of KSHE Radio in St. Louis about a disparaging on-air comment about Italian American women made by KSHE morning host, A.D. Rowntree.

IAOVC President, Andre’ DiMino contacted the management of KSHE and the CEO of its corporate owner Hubbard Radio. He was immediately told that such negative stereotyping was unacceptable. DiMino relayed the following, “Our organization has been advised of this situation by your local audience. Such a blatant and intentional stereotype should not be allowed to be broadcast on your airwaves. This is unacceptable and should be publicly retracted with a public apology by A.D. Rowntree.”

IAOVC is now pleased to report that John Kijowski, Vice President and Market Manager of Hubbard Radio St. Louis, responded promptly to IAOVC advising us that management agreed such a negative stereotype was not acceptable. Host A.D. Rowntree stated the comment was not intentional and then delivered a heartfelt on-air apology at the opening of the morning show, 6:06 am, Monday, August 7.

“We are so very pleased at the professional and immediate response by the management of KSHE radio as well as the sincere on-air apology by A.D. Rowntree,” commented DiMino. “We commend Hubbard Radio, CEO Ginny Morris, Mr. Kijowski, KSHE and A.D. Rowntree for doing the right thing!”

The Italian American One Voice Coalition is a nationwide group of thousands of members whose sole purpose is to defend Italian American heritage and culture. In its 30-years history IAOVC has fought back and has defeated repeated attempts to cancel Columbus Day and/or remove Columbus statues around the nation. IAOVC is different from all other Italian American organizations in that its sole focus and objective is to foster education to fight bias, stereotyping and discrimination against Italian Americans. IAOVC is an IRS-Registered 501(c)3 non-profit.

To support IAOVC’s efforts at defending and educating about Columbus and Italian American civil rights visit

IAOVC membership is open to individuals and all Italian American organizations to join together as a coalition defending and celebrating Italian American heritage and culture. To join visit

Andre DiMino
Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition
[email protected]
Visit us on social media:

Originally published at

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