EMT Uses TikTok to Protect Kids from Hidden Halloween Dangers

Kieram makes safety videos every week with topics from natural disasters to first aid

Kieram demonstrates how to use an Epi-Pen for a life-threatening allergic reaction

Kieram has only been uploading first aid videos since March 2022 and in that time, gathering over 4 million followers

With over 3 million views, Kieram’s Halloween Tiktoks teach parents how to deal with razor blades, overdoses on adult gummies, zombie bites and more.

There are some real dangers that parents need to look out for, these are not urban legends”

— Kieram Litchfield

TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA, October 30, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — “There are some real dangers that parents need to look out for, these are not urban legends”, said Kieram Litchfield, a first aid instructor with over 4 million followers on social media.

Although they are short, the videos are packed with useful information varying from how to check candy to make sure it is safe for consumption, to treating yourself after zombie attacks. The first video of the series goes over how to check children’s candy for any tampering that may have occurred. The second in the series goes over “adult” candy and what to do if children eat it.

To keep things light and balanced, Kieram also includes two more videos on how to treat injuries from vampires and zombies. While these last two videos are lighthearted, they are still full of important ways to treat various wounds from minor cuts to gushing neck wounds.

But the dangers don’t stop there, Kieram also has a video on what to do if a child or infant is choking on candy, and if a child is having a life-threatening allergic reaction to a peanut candy bar.

“A night of fun can turn into a night of terror in an instant if parents are not paying attention. It is vital that parents stay present, and attentive”, Kieram continued.

As with all of Kieram’s videos, many people are grateful for the information and knowledge that he provides. Comments such as: “This man is a God send…I want to save a … life because of this guy”, “Can always count on you”, “Yessss!! I freaking love your content!”, Kieram has succeeded in the art of teaching important first aid while having fun and making it entertaining. Anyone who watches his content is not likely to forget what they learned.

Kieram Litchfield
Kieram Litchfield
+1 727-339-8255
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/664947928/emt-uses-tiktok-to-protect-kids-from-hidden-halloween-dangers

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