Talented and Specialized Clinician Mandi Freger to be Featured on Close Up Radio

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES, September 20, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Mandi Freger is a highly sought-after licensed professional counselor and behavioral specialist focused on a comprehensive range of Energy Psychology (EP) techniques. Mandi believes she is distinct from anyone else in her field because she has used the techniques she advocates for client self-care to stay strong and thrive in a field that can burn people out. Mandi also feels she did things in the reverse of other clinicians, by starting out with novel energy therapies and then going onto more traditional modes of helping people reach their peak—whether in their career, education, relationships, or life overall.

Mandi advocates EP techniques as a way to counter trauma and help patients move beyond it. It is often the case that trauma will leave lasting effects on our body and mind. As we go through life’s journey, our hurts and wounds can become buried deep within the subconscious, and people who have experienced trauma tend to react negatively. In order to cope, they might turn to binge-eating, drinking, or taking pills and drugs to numb their pain. These maladaptive behaviors, though, are only temporary distractions from one’s anxiety or depression, and traditionally not the effective way to heal. In order to restore ourselves to wholeness, Mandi says, we need to balance all three aspects of our being — addressing our mind, body, and spirit.

She adds that many people are not aware the human body has a powerful ability to restore its own health and happiness, and that when we explore alternative ways of healing, we can learn to heal from past traumatic incidents and hurt.

Beyond a full range of EP modalities that she will discuss in the shows, Mandi is distinguished by her expertise in treating people (parents, caregivers, and some children) whose lives are impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In her long and impressive career, she has also been a noteworthy trainer/consultant and speaker, and the provider of unique empowerment services for athletes and individuals, through her Peak Performance training.

Mandi is a goal-focused professional and strives to empower people with her knowledge and strategies, particularly self-care and the wonders of EP. According to Mandi, mindset can also make the difference: if you want to get better and believe in success, you will achieve it. Mandi’s skillful advice also helps people, with or without ASD diagnoses, to become more resilient, authentic, comfortable in social situations, and effective communicators.

Mandi describes how changes in life’s pace often make us all more reactive than proactive, and we can all learn to meet life’s unavoidable trials and tribulations with less anger and confusion, and more grace and resilience. In a recent blog post, she talked about how today’s youth communicate quickly through texting and may not be developing robust communication skills or practicing adequate interpersonal relations.

Happiness, she believes, should come from within, and not from reactions or validation on social media. Mandi offers supportive services to children and families impacted by social media addiction and is optimistic that society will soon reach a turnaround point, when interacting in person with friends and family is once again the preferred mode of fulfillment.

Since she works so closely with ASD populations, Mandi understands the risk of creating what appear to be traits that mimic ASD in the younger, polarized generation. The good news is, we can rewire the brain via neuroplasticity and cultivate healthier habits, body postures, and thought patterns.

When we seek help from a therapist Mandi strongly recommends choosing licensed professionals (such as herself) who can accurately evaluate us and come up with the right treatment plan. Don’t trust anyone just calling themselves a coach or counselor, she warns.

“In this high stress industry that can break people, I advocate for my own care. I manage to make downtime and achieve real balance. I practice what I preach, as they say. That is why I am actually energized by my work, constantly enthused by other’s efforts, transformations, and happiness.”

Close Up Radio will feature Mandi Freger in interviews on Fridays at 2pm EST, with Jim Masters on September 22nd and then with Doug Llewelyn on Friday September 29th

Listen to the shows on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information, please visit https://mandifreger.com/

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
email us here
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/656609099/talented-and-specialized-clinician-mandi-freger-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio

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